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Bequest Income Funds 

Your Path to Consistent & Predictable Monthly Passive Income

Unlock steady growth with our established evergreen investment funds that offer consistent and predictable monthly passive income with competitive returns.

Investment Example: Invest with a Bequest Income Fund with $50,000 upfront, adding $2,000 monthly for fifteen years at 10% interest, will grow to over $1,000,000 in future value. Calculate your own scenario.


Future Balance


Total Interest


Total Principal


Why Choose A Bequest Income Fund?

Bequest Income Fund FAQs

How long have the Fund Operators been managing funds?

Bequest has been managing funds since 2014.

What is the minimum and maximum fund investment?

The minimum investment for a Bequest Income Fund is $50,000 and the maximum is $1,000,000 per EIN.

Am I eligible to invest?

Per SEC guidelines, Bequest has two offerings available: Regulation D and Regulation A. The Bequest Income Funds are Regulation D funds that are only available to accredited investors. The Bequest Bonds are Regulation A bonds that are available to non-accredited investors but are limited to no more than 10% of the person’s annual income or net worth. For more information, click here.

What payment types are accepted?

You may submit your investment as a wire transfer. Please contact the Investor Relations team if you have any questions.

Can I invest in a Bequest Income Fund if I am a resident in another country?

Yes, Bequest accepts investments from most other countries which an investor is able to verify that the investment is legal under their country’s laws.

Where can I see my Bequest Income Fund investment?

Once your investment is finalized, you can log into your account from the website. Please note, that it can take 30-45 days for your investment to be reflected.

Is there a direct number for the Bequest Investor Relations team?

For the quickest response, please send an email to Alternatively, you can book a call here.

May I compound my interest?

Yes, each Bequest Income Fund offers the opportunity for you to either (a) receive a monthly distribution (e.g. passive income) or (b) compound your interest for greater growth. Simply select which option you would like during the purchase.

What is an accredited investor?

Generally, an accredited investor, in the context of a natural person, includes anyone who: earned income that exceeded $200,000 (or $300,000 together with a spouse or spousal equivalent) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expects the same for the current year. There are other categories of accredited investors that you may view here or on the SEC website.

When and how do I receive my preferred returns?

Preferred returns are directly deposited into your account (via ACH) the 1st business day of each month. Investors also have the option to compound the preferred return along with the initial investment and earn a greater overall return over time.

Will I own specific assets held in the income funds?

If you invest, you become a part owner of the entire fund versus a specific asset held by the fund. Therefore, your capital is diversified across the entire portfolio.

Are there fees associated with Bequest Income Funds?

There are fees to manage the assets. However, these fees do not impact the projected return to our investors.

Can I invest with an IRA or 401K?

Yes, you can invest into Bequest utilizing qualified funds. We have several custodians that can help walk you through the process if you do not have a self-direct account in place.

How often will I be updated on my investment?

Investors will receive their preferred return distributions on a monthly basis. Investor statements and Quarterly Newsletters will be issued on a quarterly basis.

What is an Evergreen Income Fund?

An evergreen fund is an opened fund with no expiration date. We offer safe, reliable options for investors seeking long-term solutions to earn passive income.